PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A NEW STYLE EBAY MULITLISTING LISTING, CHOOSE FROM VARIOUS SINGLE DIE OR SETS MADE UP OF EITHER D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 & D20 OR THE FULL SET OF D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 D20 D00 ONLY THE FULL POLY SET HAS THE EXTRA 7th DIE IN IT FOR THE PERCENTILE ROLLS IE THE D100 (A D10 NUMBERED 00~90) THE D3 ALSO HAS R P S ON VARIOUS SIDES, IT CAN BE USED FOR ROCK PAPER SCISSORS GAMES, COLOURS ARE MIXED, VARIED, RANDOM, MADE UP OF OPAQUE, GEM, MARBLED, SPARKLED, AND ON OCCASION SILVER or GOLD. PLEASE NOTE RANDOM COLOURS WILL BE SUPPLIED ~ EVEN WITHIN SETS the 34 sided dice are the last ones in the world I think for sale., thus the price, thus please no complaining. supply & demand. NOTE most dice are sold singly only where it shows sets are they sets. even when several dice are shown in a scan / photo, its usually only for colour variations, sided variations, or showing diffrant faces, just to avoid confusing those stupid people out there. and to be clear. ALSO NOTE D3 D5 D14 D16 D24 ARE AVAILABLE IN GLOW IN THE DARK IVORY VARIATIONS. please note that these are high impact precision gem dice , NOT the cheaper plastic opaque ones other sellers are selling for a fraction of the price. you get what you pay for. PLEASE NOTE THE D2~100 IS AKA AS D TOTAL DTOTAL D-TOTAL CLEVERLY DEVISED D24 THAT CAN GENERATE ANY NUMBER BETWEEN 2 AND 100 USUALLY WITH ONE ROLL, EACH OF ITS 24 FACES ARE LAID OUT , A CLOCK FACE, THEREFORE WHAT EVER NUMBER YOU WANT YOU READ FORM THAT POSITION, ALSO TO MAKE IT EVEN EASIER EACH OF THE NUMBERS IS SURROUNDED BY ITS DIE SO D2 HIGH LOW, D3 IS 1 2 OR 3 SPOTS AT THE 3 oCLOCK, D4 IN THE D4 AS IS THE 5 D6 AT 6 OCLOCK, 7, (3X7;21) 8 D8 THREE TIMES 1~8, THE 10, 12, (1~12 TWICE), TO 24 IS OBVIOUS AS ITS A 24 SIDED DIE, THEN NUMBERS BECOME MULTIPLES, ALL IS FULLY EXPLAINED WITH A DOUBLE PAGED SHEET INCLUDED WITH EACH DIE, AS WELL AS A HISTORY OF THE DIE, VERY GOOD ITEM FOR THE DICE COLLECTOR OR ROLE PLAYING GAMER, Sided: D3 A 3 Sided Die, D5 A 5 Sided Die, D7 A 7 Sided Die 14 SIDES NUMBERED 1-7 TWICE, , D14 A 14 Sided Die , D16 A 16 Sided Die, D24 A 24 Sided Die, D30 A 30 Sided Die, D34 A 34 Sided Die, D50 A 50 Sided Die Ivory Point / Spindle, D50 50 Sided Lottery Large Die, D100 A 100 Sided Die zocchihedron centahedron, D00 A Percentile Die for #1~100 Use W D10 See D10, D Anything 2 ~ 100 Number Generator (D24), Dice Double Die D6 Two One Inside Other Great Gimm, Dice Double Die D10 Two One Inside Other Great 1~1, Dice Double Die D12 Two One Inside Other Great Gim, Dice Double Die D20 Two One Inside Other Great GimIC, Dice Rare Round Spherical Sphere 6 Sided 1-6 Die B, A D&D Die Dice Two D12 Rock Paper Scissors Pink BL, Dice Rare Average 6 Sided Die 2 3 3 4 4 5 Number N, Dice Die D6 Emotion Smiley Face New One Supplied, Dice Die Roman Numerals 12 Sided D4 I II III IV GR, Dice Rare Dungeoneering 1 Die Mint D12 rooms corri, Dice Rare NPC Generation Set VGC Poly NOTE 2 Dice CLASS & race only , Mint, Dice A D&D Poly Set D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 D20 Mint, Dice A D&D Poly Full Set D4 D6 D8 D10 D12 D20 D00, D8 COMPASS DIE N S E W NE NW SW SE, D12 HIT LOCATION DIE BODY PARTS, note this may be either a diagram of the body with a bang on the location or a word arm, leg etc if you neeed specific type ASK before buying and STATE when paying, D6 BATTLE DIE STALL KO STAT DISRUPT DISABLED FEAR, D6 BATTLE DIE IMMOBILE WEAP DEST BROKE STUN PIN NEW D18 D22 D24 and new design/ shape d7, still 7 sided, numebered 1-7 but not multi coloured , photo or combo numbers & dots just numbers, NEW d7 a spindle 14 sided die numbered 1-7 twice, much easier to handle, read & roll then the previous pictured d7, ROMAN D6 ROMAN NUMERAL D10 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X PLEASE NOTE THE D10 SOLD SEPERATELY THE D6 IS PICTURED FOR SIZE / SIZING ONLY the 100 sided zocchihedron centahedron are now only in red, last few in the world as far as I know/ can find out, buy now to avoid dissapointment D20 NUMBERED 0-9 twice THESE ARE OLDER STYLE BUT NEW DICE, A 20 SIDED D10 IF YOU ,, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TWICE YOU CAN PAINT ONE SET OF NUMBERS TO BE 10'S OR JUST LEAVE AS D10 OR ROLL D6 WITH IT TO ADD 10 , COLLECTABLE blank poly set all white so you can write, numbers, letters, pictures on or even all same numbers etc great gift/ gimmic, espcially for dice cheats, d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 d20 d11 new please note already out of print/ stock with suppliers so colour will be as stated random, 11 sided dice die one per purchase unless you want more then one WITH THE latest edition to the stock of a d9 its now possible to get nearly all numbers 1-100 heres the quick list available d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d14 d16 d18 d20 d22 d24 d30 d34 d36 d50 d100 now d120 This is a 120 sided D120 Dice Measuring 48mm flat to flat this is a huge dice. The ultimate fair dice allowed by Mother Nature (i.e., mathematics)! The d120 is based on a polyhedron known as the disdyakis triacontahedron. Each face is an elongated triangle. These dice are perfectly numerically balanced, with the same sums for numbers around vertices of the same type. d13 and d15 yes 13 and 15 sided dice so now any number form 1 to 120 is randomisable, please one d120 supplied per purchase, (feel free to buy more then one) but proice is for one each. photo shows 2 so you can see back of label for info printed on it, note the cheat dice are green 6 sided numbered 4 twice 5 twice and 6 twice, ONE SUPPLIED PER PURCHASE I photographed them as a set to show the various numbers / sides only . D 2 3 4 all on one die!!!, read as d2 d3 or d4 depending upon what you wanted to roll, ll numbers shown face up for each die rocket d6 lovely little gimmic rocket shaped barrel d6 d3 Apple core, this is a core shaped tri die , one die per purchase showing three as they show various sides, please feel free to purchase more then one but only one per price . ie sold simgley D17 a 17 sided die, D19 a 19 sided die, D26 a 26 sided die, D28 a 28 sided die RANDOM COLOURS FOR ALL SORRY ruler not included in any sale just for sizes, PLEASE NOTE THE DIE DICE ARE SOLD SEPERATELY, INDIVIDUALLY PRICED, THE SCAN SHOWS MULTIPLES TO SEE FACES/ SIDES/ DIFFERANCES. ALL ARE SUPPLIED IN RANDOM COLOURS. NOT ALL ARE ALL AVAILABLE IN ALL COLOURS AND STOCKS CHANGE DAILY, IN AND OUT. CLEAR OPAQUE RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE BLACK WHITE AND SOME MIXTURES OF TWO OR THREE, ALL RANDOM. SCANS / PICTURES ARE FOR NUMBER OF SIDES ONLY AND NOT AN INDICATION OF THE COLOUR YOU MAY GET. This is a JUMBO 44mm 36 sided D36 Dice that also shows 2D6 as well! A D36 (results from 1 to 36) that also accurately shows the results of rolling 2 D6s as well (the pips above and below the D36 show the result of each D6). The combination of being able to roll 3 dice with each roll allows you to create some interesting new fantasy tables for your RPGs. I can do discounts for bulk quantities message me for details, note two ./ three sets DO NOT counts as bulk,